

March 23, 2022

ISSN 2150-248666

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Hi All,

photo of Lillian Too

I love this time of year and we’re fortunate in the Year of the Tiger to have the Lap Chun.  The Lap Chu, or first day of spring was on the fourth of February 2022 and since the Lunar New Year fell on February 1 this year (before the Lap Chun) we are blessed with having a good springtime.  If the Lap Chun falls before Lunar New Year, it is said that we miss the spring. This season is a time of planting, growth and new beginnings and a great time to get back into the garden.

Lily, it’s so important to create good feng shui and capture the sheng chi in your garden before it enters your home.  People often miss this point and concentrate only on the feng shui inside the home, forgetting how important the outside of the home is.  Chi of course is invisible and all around us traveling through the atmosphere silently bringing great good fortune or disaster.  It’s up to you to create good chi (sheng chi) in your garden and direct it into your home – to learn more be sure to read today’s “In Sync” article.

Let me say also that your garden doesn’t have to be over the top. There are many ways to create chi where it is lacking, simply by choosing a few beautiful plants and taking care of them properly.  Getting rid of old debris or branches and dead plants is a good way to begin.  My point here is that it’s up to you to create auspicious and wealth bringing chi into your life and the garden is the best place to start!


Capturing Sheng Chi in Your Garden

Capturing chi, the life-force energy is central to good feng shui.  If chi is lacking, you can create it by carefully planning and laying out your garden according to proper feng shui guidelines.

Kuan Kung
Keep your garden clean
and plants healthy

One sign of auspicious and wealth-creating sheng chi in your garden is the presence of healthy and flower blooming plants, indicating that soils are fertile and there is plenty of water and a yin/yang balance of sunshine and shade.  Be careful that such excellent chi does not get blown away.  Homes with gardens where the winds are strong, causes sheng chi to scatter and dissipate, and in such cases, you’ll need to ensure that your garden is somehow sheltered from such winds.

Kuan Kung
A small pond or waterfall
creates excellent sheng chi

The presence of water always helps to create good sheng chi. Water is wealth, so if you have a lake or pond bordering your garden the sheng chi can stop and accumulate thus creating auspicious good luck and good fortune.  Small fishponds, fountains and birdbaths are also an excellent way to bring chi into your garden and allow it to settle before entering your home to bring good fortune.  Such features also attract birds and butterflies bringing even more precious yang energy.  These must be kept clean because stagnant and smelly water with pollution of any kind causes good fortune to dissipate.

The artficial creation of a small meandering stream flowing past your main door or a waterfall on your property works very well in creating and capturing sheng chi.  When planning the flow of your fountain or waterfall, make sure that the water is flowing inward toward your home and not outward.  Water flowing inward represents wealth coming to you and outward means it is going away.

Always ensure that your garden is well cared for, and your plants and trees are thriving.  Prune them regularly and keep the grass well cut and attractive.  Creating and capturing good sheng chi in your garden doesn’t have to be difficult.  Simply cleaning up debris and removing dead plants or branches on a regular basis will do wonders.

Good luck!



What Trigram Rules Your Life in 2022?

Did you know that your moods, attitudes and tendencies towards success or self-destructive behavior are determined by the trigram that rules your mood during any given year?  This is your personal trigram and it changes from year to year.  Once you know which trigram dominates your mood you’ll understand yourself much better and you can manipulate your activities and responses according to your annual trigram.

So, which trigram rules YOUR mood and actions this year? You can determine this with the following formula.

FOR WOMEN:  Begin your counting at trigram KAN (in the north) and then move counter clockwise counting 1 year for each trigram until you reach your age this year.  So you will move KAN to CHIEN to TUI to KUN etc and keep going until you reach your current age.  So if you are 40 years of age now then your ruling trigram this year is KEN.

FOR MEN:  Begin your counting at trigram LI (in the south) and then move clockwise counting 1 year for each trigram until you reach your age this year.  So you will move LI to KUN to TUI to CHIEN until you reach your current age.  If you are now 40 years of age then your ruling trigram this year is SUN.

Remember that your ruling trigram changes EVERY YEAR!

Refer to the following Trigram descriptions to learn more about your PERSONAL trigram this year!

TRIGRAM LI is the Trigram of Fire. It attaches itself to dry wood and consumes it. It signifies attachment and passion, a clinging that can be destructive. This is the light that gives you brilliance, fame and glory, but the Trigram Li can be dangerous as it can make you addicted to the fire of intense brightness. The creature of the Li is the crimson pheonix; the organ it affects is the eye and it also stands for the middle daughter.

TRIGRAM Kun is the Trigram of Mother Earth; nurturing, caring and mothering. It is receptive to ideas, and symbolizes the cauldron, the vase, the container. Earth will always feel better when it unites with heaven, so those who are unmarried and are ruled by this trigram will themselves be thinking of marriage and feeling very family-oriented. It is like entering a nesting year. This trigram has affinity to the ox; and its organ is the stomach. Its energy is always strongly matriarchal.

TRIGRAM Tui is the trigram associated with young women and with the pursuit of pleasure. Sometimes it means a concubine or a young lover. This trigram can manifest addiction to the joyous lifestyle, and addiction that throws good sense and caution to the winds. Astrologers usually interpret this trigram as indicating a year of debauchery and danger. When wives see their husbands dominated by this trigram in any year - that is when they would be wise to take all necessary precautions to keep their husbands from straying into the arms of a seductress.

TRIGRAM Chien is the Trigram of Heaven, the skies from where all good things come. This is a most fortunate trigram for a man, as it manifests strong masculine energy. The trigram brings superior leadership qualities including courage and a toughness to overcome whatever obstacles one may encounter. The creature that symbolizes this trigram is the horse and its most vital organ is the head where the brain resides. When men are dominated by this trigram, that will be the year when strength blossoms from within. When women are ruled by this trigram, that is the year when they will come across bossier than usual and also more agressive.

TRIGRAM Kan is the Trigram of Danger, where water has reached its zenith, about to overflow. This is a trigram that suggest stagnation might be just around the corner, the kind that is caused by a severe loss of everything. This is a trigram which also suggests making stupid, foolish decisions, with an inability to control oneself. The creature that manifests the attributes of this trigram is the boar on the farm, and the organ signified is the ear. When a man is ruled by this trigram, he will find that the year is a seriees of missed opportunities due to no one by himself. For a woman, this trigram can indicate an affair with a younger man.

TRIGRAM Ken is the Trigram of the Mountain. This symbolizes inflexiibility, coming to a stubborn standstill, an impasse. Watch that you do not allow dogmatism to create invisible barriers to your own success. For a man to be dominated by the muntain suggests obstacles that block success. Look for hidden ways to get round the mountain, or better yet, dig up the gold from the mountain. For a woman, this trigram suggests a weakness for a young man. But it is an interlude in your life that might well bring happiness.

TRIGRAM Chen is the Trigram of Growth and Development. It indicates an awesome year for those who are ruled by this trigram. There are exciting, new beginnings that set the tone for the near future. It will be like the sound of thunder awakening a vital force that helps you break new ground. This is a trigram that is very promising for both the man and the woman.

TRIGRAM Sun is the Trigram of Wind, but it is a gentle wind that finds its way into every small corner of the world. Astrologers interpret this as recognition; gaining respect. The wind makes your attainments known to the world, so here it suggests fame. But the wind is also an agent of dispersion, dissolving everything in its path. The creature manifested here is the sheep or the mountain goat who is careful and wary. For a man, this trigram can bring you a year when powerful forces open new doors; for a woman, this trigram could suggests a year when your networking skills could wlell bring exciting results.

To your success!


Grand Master Lillian Too is undoubtedly the world's most prolific and popular writer and advocate on living with good feng shui! She has written over 100 books that have been translated into 31 different languages, and over 10 million copies of her books have been sold worldwide.

After graduating with an MBA from Harvard Business School, Lillian went on to pursue a highly successful business career in banking and finance in the 1980's in Hong Kong. Her business acumen, drive and abundant energy soon led her from the finance world to the world of luxury department stores and boutiques where, through a leveraged buy out, she became Chairman and shareholder of The Dragon Seed Group.

All the while she was guided and taught by her feng shui masters in Hong Kong and China - and she attributes much of her monumental and quick rise to success in Hong Kong directly to them.

Lillian soon decided to retire from active corporate life and return to Malaysia to raise her beautiful daughter, Jennifer, and spend more time with her family. It was at this time she began to devote her energy to writing and furthering her study of feng shui.

She published her first book in Malaysia in 1995 that quickly became a best seller and the rest is history. Today she is Chairman of Wofs.Com, a feng shui franchise and merchandising company run by her daughter, Jennifer Too.

She trains feng shui students and future consultants at her Certified Consulting Institute in Malaysia and is much loved by her readers, associates and students for the way she teaches practical feng shui in a user-friendly way, using ordinary situations and circumstances that interest people and affect their everyday lives.

In November 2009, at the International Feng Shui Convention in Singapore, the well-deserved title of GRAND MASTER OF FENG SHUI was conferred upon Lillian Too. Immediately following this accolade, in early January 2010, she received the prestigious Brand Laureate Personality of The Year Award presented by the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia! There seems to be no stopping her popularity and these days!

Lillian believes everyone should know her secrets and learn how to adapt feng shui to modern life... and she warmly welcomes you into her Mandala.

You can learn more about Lillian by visiting her website at

Lillian Too Mandala - North American Office
2025 Echo Pl.,
San Ramon, CA 94582
Toll Free Info and Customer Service : 1 888 455 9853
Email: Fax: +1 800 508 2313

Avoid This Outside Your Home

Kuan Kung
Is a tree hitting
your front door?

A single tree that is across the road and pointed at your front door may be harmful. It’s killing breath aimed directly at your front door is a “poison arrow” and you must correct this by placing the right trees strategically in your garden to block this dangerous chi.

The trees you plant should block the offending tree across the street from view. Plant trees with a full foliage of leaves especially the ones with rounded leaves and ones that do not grow too tall. Such trees create energizing chi which has the power to deflect and dissolve any bad energies. Don’t plant trees too close to the house itself – at least 10 feet from the (3 m or more) is a good rule of thumb.

A Good Happiness Ritual

If you want to feel really good today, take steps to make yourself and your surroundings more beautiful. Clean your home and garden to remove any negative energy. Then pamper your body and dress in your best. Take a walk outside to enjoy the beauty of the flowering plants and don’t forget to smell the roses! This is a great happiness ritual, especially if you are feeling down or defeated.


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